A solution is to have a launch script. In my case it is made in PowerShell. The launch script is called from a shortcut, that the user can either use from a fileshare or copy to a local place like the Windows Desktop.
The launch script is like this:
$Source_Folder = '\\filesrv42.sqladmin.lan\DBA\SqlAnchor\SqlAnchor_Hta'
$Destination_Folder = 'C:\SQLAdmin\SqlAnchor'
$SqlAnchor_Filenames = 'SqlAnchor.hta','anchor.ico','SqlAnchor.DetailPages.js'
# Make sure destination folder is available
if (!(Test-Path -path $Destination_Folder)) { New-Item $Destination_Folder -Type Directory }
# Copy HTA files
foreach ($Filename in $SqlAnchor_Filenames) {
Copy-Item "$Source_Folder\$Filename" -Destination "$Destination_Folder\$Filename" -Force
# Start HTA
& "$env:SystemRoot\System32\mshta.exe" "$Destination_Folder\SqlAnchor.hta"
The shortcut for the launch script is
powershell.exe -WindowStyle "Hidden" -File "\\filesrv42.sqladmin.lan\DBA\SqlAnchor\SqlAnchor.Launch.ps1" -ExecutionPolicy "Bypass"
When the shortcut is activated by the user, PowerShell is started and the launch script is loaded. This can be done from a file share as the PowerShell execution policy is bypassed.
Disclaimer: If you use this solution, it is your responsibility to be compliant.
The launch script copies the files for the HTA to a local folder. If the folder does not exist, it is created.
If the files are present in the local folder, they are replaced.
Finally the launch script starts the HTA host „mshta.exe“ and load the hta script.
When the hta script is loaded, the launch script finish with PowerShell.