Showing posts with label ISO 8601. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ISO 8601. Show all posts


Excel datetime from Nagios CSV export

When you export a counter set like Processor % Priviledged Time from Nagios XI to a CSV-file, you get a file that begins with something like this:

'timestamp','\Processor($)\% Privileged Time_value'

The timestamp column is just a integer but I would like a human readable timestamp. At first I looked at a conversion from a file time, but the integer from Nagios is too small to give a correct datetime.

A good colleague then introduced me to Epoc timestamp, and with this formular in Excel the Nagios timestamp is converted correct:
  • "A2" is the reference to the cell holding the Nagios timestamp integer
  • 86400 is the Unix timestamp for the first day of the year 1970 in the Gregorian calendar, having 365 days.
  • 25569 is the timestamp for the same day (1970-01-01) in Excel calculated with =DATE(1970;1;1).
When you enter the formular in Excel the first result is not that human readable, e.g. 43404.52083. But by formatting the cell as a timestamp or a user defined type like
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss,000
you get a nice and precise timestamp:
2018-10-31 12:30:00,000

The number in the second column can also be formatted to something more readable by formatting the cells to a number, e.g. with one decimal.

Please notice that I am working in a danish Excel where the decimal delimiter is comma (,). I have tried to convert to the more international decimal delimiter dot (.), but the conversion is done manually in this text and not tested. So you could experience some errors on this minor subject, but I am quite confident that you can fix them quite fast.

You can play with Epoc conversions back and forth on EpocConverter.


Job history template using SQL Server Agent tokens

To log the execution and output from all steps in a SQL Server Agent job into a single logfile, you can use SQL Server tokens and macros to create the logfile in the default SQL Server LOG-folder, and let each jobstep add their output to the file. The default SQL Server LOG-folder is also the folder where SQL Server places Errorlog files (ERRORLOG.nn) and tracefiles (.trc) from default trace.

The first jobstep is a dummy step that only initialize the logfile on a normal job execution.
The jobstep can be created with
EXECUTE [msdb].[dbo].[sp_add_jobstep]
@step_name=N'Job Begin',
@command=N'DECLARE @errmsg nvarchar(2047);
SET @errmsg = LEFT(CONVERT(nvarchar(128), GETUTCDATE(), 127), 22) + N''Z : Job Begin...'';

The output filename is created in the default SQL Server Log with „$(ESCAPE_SQUOTE(SQLDIR))\LOG\“ and the name of the file is created with a name like the jobname, a timestamp and the filetype „log“.
I miss two things as a token; the jobname and the time where the job began in UTC. Right now I will have to enter a jobname manually and take care of the local time when we switch between summer- and wintertime (Daylight saving time).
The logfiles initial output is generated by a RAISERROR call. Please notice that I give the errormessage a UTC timestamp in a ISO 8601 format.

A actual job step will the add the output to the logfile. A jobstep could be created with
EXECUTE [msdb].[dbo].[sp_add_jobstep]
@step_name=N'Job Execution 01',
@command=N'DECLARE @errmsg nvarchar(2047);
SET @errmsg = LEFT(CONVERT(nvarchar(128), GETUTCDATE(), 127), 22) + N''Z : Job Executing {01}...'';

The value 2 to the parameter @flag append the output to the logfile.

When the job has executed all (real) steps, the logfile is ended a dummy step, that enter a final timestamp. This can be used for execution time comparisons. The jobstep can be created with
EXECUTE [msdb].[dbo].[sp_add_jobstep]
@step_name=N'Job End',
@command=N'DECLARE @errmsg nvarchar(2047);
SET @errmsg = LEFT(CONVERT(nvarchar(128), GETUTCDATE(), 127), 22) + N''Z : Job End.'';

A execution of a job with three steps where one is the actual job execution could generate a output like this
Job 'MacroTest' : Step 1, 'Job Begin' : Began Executing 2012-11-28 08:21:51

2012-11-28T07:21:51.95Z : Job Begin... [SQLSTATE 01000]
Job 'MacroTest' : Step 2, 'Job Execution 01' : Began Executing 2012-11-28 08:21:51

2012-11-28T07:21:51.98Z : Job Executing {01}... [SQLSTATE 01000]
Job 'MacroTest' : Step 3, 'Job End' : Began Executing 2012-11-28 08:21:52

2012-11-28T07:21:52.01Z : Job End. [SQLSTATE 01000]

If the job is started from another step than the initial step, the output is still caught in a logfile. In this case a new file is created implicit by adding output to it. A partial execution could generate a output like this
Job 'MacroTest' : Step 2, 'Job Execution 01' : Began Executing 2012-11-28 09:50:21

2012-11-28T08:50:21.81Z : Job Executing {01}... [SQLSTATE 01000]
Job 'MacroTest' : Step 3, 'Job End' : Began Executing 2012-11-28 09:50:21

2012-11-28T08:50:21.84Z : Job End. [SQLSTATE 01000]

SQL Server Agent tokens and macros are documented in „Use Tokens in Job Steps“ on MSDN Library.

A more complex and dynamic creation of SQL Server Agent jobsteps can be studied in the SQL Server Maintenance Solution from Ola Hallengren.


ISO 8601 date formatting using PowerShell

My favorite timestamp is the ISO 8601 format [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[hh]:[mm]:[ss.sss]Z.
The ISO 8601 standard is very well described in a Wikipedia article (ISO 8601).

I do miss a ISO formatting option in .NET/PowerShell, but using DateTime formatting, an acceptable result is found:
$theDate = Get-Date
"{0:yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'.'fffffff'Z'}" -f $theDate.ToUniversalTime()
$theDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString( "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffffffZ" )
The formatting is shown twice using different syntax.
I've chosen seven digits on the second because I have logging in mind while working with time stamp. I have (once) seen that three digits wasn't enough - it was in a technical database log on a z/Server "mainframe".

A execution gives this result:
I would like to get the week of the year, but again this is a problem. Is it because a week number is more used in Europe than on the other side of the Atlantic?
Thomas Lee has tried (eggheadcafe conversation), and I tried his examples. I regret to say he's right – again.

Using the formatting specifier 'o' (oscar) from the DateTimeFormatInfo Class to the CmdLet Get-Date will generate a output with seven digits, but also a a part with a reference to the timezone. Mark Puckett has made a comment to this post about this possibility. And he is right that this specifier wil give a output that is very precise. But I choose not to use this as I go for UTC time in a log as I think it makes the log entries more readable on senior management level.


2008-01-14 Blog post created
2017-02-05 Section on -Format o added inspired by comment by Mark Puckett.