
Phytagoras hypotenuse with PowerShell

To get the hypotenuse of a right angle triangle with Pythagoras formular using the two Methods Sqrt and Pow of the .NET System.Net class with PowerShell it is possible in just one line:

[System.Math]::Sqrt( [System.Math]::Pow(11.68, 2) + [System.Math]::Pow(7.24, 2) )

Which will give the implicit formatted result


Actually you do not have to spell out the namespace System as it is implicit to PowerShell. But I like to spell it out as a kind of documentation.

This is a example on using .NET features direct with PowerShell. Also I think it shows that you have to know .NET as a PowerShell user.

The numbers are from the dimensions in mm of a RJ45 plug. So now you know the inner size of the hole to drill to make it fit.